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Benefits of Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)

amazing benefits of giloy

Benefits of Giloy (Also Known as Nectar) : Let’s Know About the Amazing and Effective Benefits of Giloy

Giloy is also known as the queen of all herbs and is supposed to be the nectar of god Indra, that’s why it is considered ‘Amrita’. Giloy is also used in the promotion and restoration of health and makes you ready for holistic well-being. The benefits of giloy fight against various respiratory problems, reduce asthmatic symptoms, improves digestion, boost immunity, and protect your body from various infections.


Different Names of Giloy:

  • Botanical Name: Tinospora cordifolia
  • Common Name: Guduchi, Giloy
  • Sanskrit: Amrtavalli, Amrita, Madhuparni, Guducika, Guduchi
  • Punjabi: Gilo, Garham, Garum
  • Tamil: Seendal, Seendilkodi
  • Urdu: Gilo
  • Gujrati: Galac, Garo
  • Kannada: Amrutaballi
  • Kashmiri: Amrita, Gilo
  • Malayalam: Chittamrutu
  • Marathi: Gulvel
  • Oriya: Guluchi.


Synonymous of Giloy:

In other words, giloy can be named as: guduchi, amrita, jwarari, jwarnashini, guduchika, jivantika, tantrika, dhara, nagakanyaka, bhishakpriya, madhuparni, somvalli.


Classification of Giloy:

  • Kingdom: Plantae
  • Sub-Kingdom: Viridiplantae
  • Infra Kingdom: Streptophyta
  • Super Division: Embryophyta
  • Division: Tracheophya
  • Sub Division: Spermatophytina
  • Class: Magnoliopsida
  • Super Order: Ranunculanae
  • Order: Ranunculales
  • Family: Menispermaceae
  • Genus: Tinospra
  • Species: T. Cordifolia


Ayurvedic Properties of Giloy:

  • Taste (rasa): Tikata, and Kshayam (Bitter & Astringent)
  • Quality (guna): Heavy (guru), and Unctuous (snigdh)
  • Potency (potency): Hot (ushna)
  • Vipaka (resultant): Sweet (madhura)
  • Effect on Doshas: Pacifies vata, pitta, and kapha dosha
  • Prabhava: Rejuvenative, adaptogen, and immunomodulator.


Karma of Giloy According to Ayurveda:

  • Krimihara: Effective to relieve intestinal worms
  • Vamihara: Relieve vomiting
  • Prameha: Useful to manage diabetes, and urinary tract disorders
  • Shwasa: Used to cure breathing, (dyspnoea), asthma, Bronchitis
  • Arsha: Effective to cure piles
  • Rakhtapittahara: Alleviates bleeding disorders
  • Vayaha sthapana: Antiaging
  • Balya: Provide strength
  • Agnideepani: Improves digestion power
  • Amahara: Prevent the formation of ama.


Medicinal Uses of Giloy:

Due to its Ayurvedic properties, and chemical constituents, there are multiple benefits of giloy and is very effective in the management of Fever, Dengue, Cough, Diabetes, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Joint Pain, Swelling, Urinary disorders, Kidney stones, Blood disorders, etc.

Giloy herb purifies the blood and eliminates harmful toxins from the body as well as from blood and prevents various skin diseases like Acne, Psoriasis, and Eczema. Giloy work as an antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, digestive, carminative, cardiotonic, expectorant, aphrodisiac, rejuvenating, galacto-purifier, and tonic.


Chemical Constitutes of Giloy:

Giloy contains tinospron, palmarin, tinosporin, columbin, chasmanthin, berberine, tinosporic acid, tinosporol, giloin, giloinisin, substituted pyrrolidine, aditerpenoid furanolactone, 18-norclerodane diterpene-O-glucoside, octacosanol, nonacosan-15-one and beta-sitosterol.


Part used: Stem, Roots, and Leaves.


Effective and Amazing Benefits of Giloy:

There are numerous benefits of giloy mentioned in the Ayurvedic texts, some of them are mentioned below:

benefits of giloy

  • Boost the immunity: Giloy is termed as a universal herb that helps boost immunity naturally, and is considered as a powerhouse of antioxidants that fight free radicals, keep your cells healthy, and get rid of diseases.

Out of multiple benefits of giloy, it is very beneficial in the elimination of toxins, purifies blood, fights bacteria that cause diseases, and also combats liver diseases, and urinary tract infections. The herb also helps to cure even severe infectious diseases of bones, lungs, intestines, blood disorders, intermittent fever, and dysfunctions of the liver.


  • Improves Metabolism: Giloy benefits works wonder in building a stronger digestive system. It improves the functioning of the liver by its deepan (appetizer), pachan (digestive) properties, and immunes’ body against hyperacidity, colitis, worm infestations, etc. Also, it relieves abdominal pain, cramps, vomiting, weakness, loss of appetite, etc.


  • Improves Eyesight: Giloy is rich in antioxidants which is great for our eyes. It contains a high amount of lutein’s that help in improving our eyesight and keeping our eyes healthy.


  • Stress management: Benefits of giloy also relieves stress and other mental ailments because it contains aqueous, acetone, alcoholic properties that show anti-stress activity and Pyrrolidine isolated from the ethyl acetate extract of T. Cordifolia that improves the central nervous system, reduces stress, anxiety, depression, etc. It can cross the blood-brain barrier and has the power to enhance memory and cognitive functions.


  • Work as Detoxifier: Giloy herb is very effective in the elimination of harmful toxins from the blood and improves complexion and luster of the skin. Additionally, the benefits of giloy provide anti-aging, anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, acne, blemishes, etc.


  • Treat Chronic fever, and prolonged cough: Giloy herb is anti-pyretic in nature, as it increases the blood count and fights against various bacteria, viruses. Even the benefits of giloy cure severe conditions like dengue, malaria, jaundice, chronic fever, etc. It clears the obstruction of the respiratory tract and provides relief from cough, asthma, and other respiratory diseases.


  • In Rheumatoid arthritis: The herb acts as an anti-inflammatory and suppresses the inflammation by inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines (molecules that promote inflammation).

Giloy benefits improve a digestive system and prevent the formation of ama in the body, by which a person can get relief from severe pain, twitching, tenderness, redness, etc.


  • Treats Allergic Rhinitis: Allergic Rhinitis is a condition in which a person is suffering from nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, red and watery eyes, headache, etc. As giloy work as Tridoshahara, it calms the aggravated doshas and clears the obstructed passage, by which a person can get relief from symptoms.


  • Regulate Blood Sugar Levels: The chemical constituents of giloy regulate insulin in certain ways. Regular intake of giloy herb can improve the blood circulation, support the functioning of the liver, pancreas, and balance the production and secretion of the hormones.


  • Reduces Pain: Giloy contains anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, which makes it crucial for relieving pain and inflammation during arthritis and gout.

Due to its analgesic nature, it reduces burning sensation, and other benefits of giloy help in reducing joint and muscle pain, thereby reducing the chances of chronic autoimmune inflammatory diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.


  • Heart disease: Giloy helps in clear the obstruction of the arteries and has a positive impact on cardiac conditions such as angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, ischemic heart diseases, and certain arrhythmias.

Antioxidants properties of giloy help strengthen the heart muscles and prevent lipid build up in the blood vessels and hence reduce the risk of heart attacks, heart blocks, blood clots, etc.


Preparations at Home:

  • When giloy is taken with jaggery, it helps to relieve severe constipation also.
  • The combination of giloy and sugar candy (unprocessed sugar) is helpful to balance aggravated Pitta dosha and provide relief from skin diseases, gastritis, dizziness, liver disorders, etc.
  • Giloy when taken with castor oil is very useful in relieving gout.
  • Giloy with ginger powder is useful in rheumatoid arthritis.


Quantity Which We Can Use in a Different form to Get Benefits of Giloy:

  • Giloy Stem Powder: 1 to 3 grams
  • Giloy Stem Water: 60 ml to 100 ml
  • Giloy Stem Extract: 250 mg to 500 mg
  • Giloy Stem Juice: 3 ml to 5 ml
  • Giloy Satva: 250 mg to 1000 mg
  • Giloy Leaves Powder: 1 to 3 grams
  • Giloy Leaves Juice: 5 ml to 10 ml


Different Formulations of Giloy:

  • Giloy Ghan Vati: 1-2 tablets twice daily after meals
  • Giloy Satav: 2-3 tablespoons after or before meals
  • Giloy Capsule: 1-2 capsules twice daily after meals
  • Giloy Churna: 1/2 -1 teaspoonful twice daily with honey or lukewarm water
  • Giloy Kwath: 1-2 tablespoons after or before meals.


Giloy Herbal Capsule From  Deep Ayurveda’s Company:giloy herbal capsule

If a person wants pure, genuine, result-oriented Ayurvedic products, they can easily found in the Deep Ayurveda Company, because we made 100% extract-based medicines, and all the herbs are pure, natural, purified. We launched our products after clinical trials and all the formulations are made by an experienced Doctor.

Regular intake of Giloy herbal capsule provides multiple health benefits to an individual. It can be taken daily as a general supplement to boost the immunity, prevents a person from seasonal and other ailments, reduces inflammation, provides strength to the body, eliminates excess amounts of toxins from the body, and make a person so strong that they can be deal with common infections easily and reduces mental as well as physical problems.


For more detail on Giloy Herbal Capsule’, please visit our nearest clinic or if you want to consult with our Chief Ayurveda Consultant & Founder – Dr.Baldeep Kour then write with detail history at