Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) or in Sanskrit Amalaki is a deciduous tree of the family Phyllanthaceae. It is a small or medium-sized tree. It has edible fruit. Amla benefits is the most useful and beneficial herb in Ayurveda. It is also known as Indian gooseberry.
Amla Benefits, Uses and Dosage:
Synonyms of Amla (Amla is known in Different Languages):
Latin Name -Emblica officinalis, Assamese : Amlaku, Amlakhi, Amlakhu, Bengali : Amla, Dhatri, English : Indian Gooseberry, Gujrati : Ambala, Amala, Hindi : Amla, Aonla, Awla, Kannada : Nellikayi, Kashmiri : Embali, Amli, Malayalam : Nellikka, Marathi : Anvala, Avalkathi, Oriya : Anala, Ainla, Punjabi : Aula, Amla, Tamil : Nellikkai, Nelli, Telugu : Usirika, Urdu : Amla, Amlaj
Properties and Actions of Amla:
- Rasa : Madhura, Amla, katu, Tikta,kashaya( Five tastes, excluding salt)
- Guna : Guru and Sheet
- Virya : Sheet
- Vipaka : Madhura
- Karma : It balance all the three doshas
Amla Benefits:
Amla is a most useful and beneficial herb in Ayurveda. Various Amla benefits are following:
- Wonderful source of Natural Vitamin C: Amla fruit is rich in Vitamin C, containing about 715 to 920 mg of Vitamin C for every hundred grams of edible material. It is the most concentrated form of Vitamin C found in the plant kingdom. Whole fruit is eatable and can be used in dried form.The human body easily absorbs it.
- Improves food absorption: The regular use of Amla fruit can strengthen digestion, absorption, and assimilation of food. People are taking it to notice that they enjoy the taste of food better. It balances all thirteen digestive fires (agnis). It works gently than ginger or other digestion-enhancing herbs, so it can be taken by people with pitta prakriti, without any fear of creating acidity. Also, it improves the absorption of iron for healthy blood.
- Remedy for hyper-acidity: Because it improves digestion but does not increase the heat of the body, Amla fruit is ideal for calming mild-to-moderate hyper-acidity and other Pitta-related digestive problems.
- Detox the liver: Amla helps purify the Rasa Dhatu (nutrient fluid) and Rakta Dhatu (blood), supporting the functions of the liver. It also stimulates the liver, helping it eliminate toxins from the body. Research shows that it helps lower bad cholesterol
- Enhance Memory Power: Amla fruit is good for the brain. It is medhya, nurturing, and enhancing coordination among acquisition, retention, and recall and It supports the nervous system and strengthens the senses.
- Supports heart and Lungs: It is hridya, improves blood circulation. It supports the cardiovascular system and Strengthens the lungs. Therefore, Amla is a wonderful tonic for nourishing ,strengthening the entire respiratory tract. It also pacifies Kapha, which among other things governs moisture balance in the lungs.
- Regulates Bowel: Amla also pacifies Apana Vata, thus helping in the downward flow of Apan vayu in the body. This regulates downward bowel movements and eases constipation.
- Enhances fertility: By balancing Apana Vata and by nourishing all seven dhatus (body tissues), Amla also helps to keep menstruation cycle regular and healthy. It supports the reproductive systems of men and women and can help in conceiving. Amla is a Vrishya herb, which means that it enhances all the seven tissues (dhatus), including the reproductive tissue. This herb nourishes the ovaries and sperm, and it has a property called garbhasthapk, which means it increases and the possibility of conception. It is especially strengthening the uterus and supporting reproductive health.
- Nourish skin and Hair : Because Amla fruit strengthens digestion, helps the liver detoxify, and is rich in Vitamin C and other nutrients, it is very good for the complexion. Amla moisturizes the skin, Enhance immunity of the skin against bacterial infection. It promotes healthier hair. Amla boosts the absorption of calcium, thus creating healthier bones, teeth, nails, and hair. It also helps maintain the luster of hair and retards premature graying, and strengthen the hair follicles, so there is less thinning of hair with age.
- Improve Eye Sight ( Chakshushya): Amla supports the health of the eye by enhancing both Alochaka Pitta( the sub dosha of Pitta that governs the eyes and vision). and Ranjaka Pitta (the sub dosha of Pitta that governs the liver function and the blood plasma)
- Good Remedy For Diabetes (Premehghana): It is premehghana and reduces sugar level in urine and helps to control complications of Diabetes.
- Anti-aging: Acts as an antioxidant and free radical scavengers, help to enhance immunity and slowdown aging process.
Important Formulations in Ayurveda by Amla:
Chyvanprash, Amalaki Rasayan, Triphla Churna
Therapeutic Uses:
Raktapitta, Amlapitta, Prameha
Dosage of Amla:
Churna : 3 to 5 gm and if using extract based capsule then can take 500mg to 1000mg in a day
Juice /saar : 5-10 ml of fresh juice
Amla Leham: 1 teaspoon in morning.
Herb Reference: API vol-1
Part used: Raw and Dried Fruit
For more detail on Amla, please visit our nearest clinic or if want to consult with our Chief Ayurveda Consultant & Founder – Dr. Baldeep Kour then write with detail history at or Whatsapp at +91-9216582021