Author Archives: Dr Baldeep Kour

ThyCare: The Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Thyroid

The incidence of thyroid disorder in India is extremely high with hypothyroidism being a condition [Continue Reading…]

Arjun Capsule Review: Is This The Best Supplement for Heart?

Life has become hectic in this modern era with each one of you racing against [Continue Reading…]

Will Ayurvedic Medicines Help Your Heart and Prevent Related Diseases?

These days, it is a common thing to hear people asking you to keep your [Continue Reading…]

Terminalia Arjuna: Everything You Wanted To Know About This Ayurvedic Plant

Ayurveda has several herbs that can work like a charm on your general health. At [Continue Reading…]

Advantages & Disadvantages of Ayurvedic Medicines

Every living person is well and truly aware of Ayurveda in this modern world. Most [Continue Reading…]

Ayurvedic Management of Constipation

Meaning of Constipation & Management: Constipation is also known as dyschezia or costiveness. It is [Continue Reading…]

Grishma Ritu (Summer Season) According to Ayurveda

Ayurvedic Concept on Grishma Ritu (Summer Seasons) According to the Ayurvedic Acharyas, Ahara (diet), [Continue Reading…]

Health Benefits and Uses of Makoy

Benefits Of Makoy Makoy is a herb found abundantly growing in all parts of the [Continue Reading…]

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