Health Benefits and Uses of Makoy


 Benefits Of Makoy 

Makoy is a herb found abundantly growing in all parts of the globe. In India, it grows as a weed in all the dry areas. It is a short-lived perennial herb that is native to Eurasia. Makoy is a small, erect, & delicate annual herb with soft & smooth branches n stems. It has alternate, egg-shaped leaves with white, cream & violet flowers in clusters.

Its fruits are purple or black in color when ripe. Each 100 gm of Makoy consists of 82.1 % moisture, 5.9 % protein, 1% fat, 2.1 % minerals, and 8.9 % carbohydrates. Calcium, iron, phosphorus, niacin & vitamin C are the vitamins & minerals present in this herb. This herb belongs to the family of Solanaceae.

In Ayurveda, Makoy ark is recommended as a Rasayan. It is anti-allergic, anti-diabetic, laxative, cardiotonic & also a very good herbal diuretic.


Botanical Name – Solanum Nigrum
English – black nightshade, Garden Nightshade, petty morel
Hindi – Makoi
Sanskrit – Kakamachi, Kakahva

 Medicinal qualities 

  • Rasa (Taste) – Tikta (Bitter)
  • Guna (Quality) – Laghu (Light), Snigdha (Smooth)
  • Virya (Potency) – Anushna (Not Too Hot)
  • Vipaka (Post digestion effect) – Katu (Pungent)
  • Effect on Tridosha – it balances all the three doshas – Vata, Pitta, Kapha

 Parts used for medicinal purpose : 

  • Whole Plant
  • Fresh Leaves
  • Fruits

 Important characteristics of Makoy – Its Toxicity: 

It is a very poisonous plant and thereby, not meant for any kind of use in the pediatric age group. That’s why its usage in extra doses often leads to death from cardiac arrhythmia, vomiting, Diarrhea, convulsions or maybe even paralysis attack in severe cases.

Its leaves have a strong purgative (cleansing) action when consumed and stimulates a strong sweating response. It promotes perspiration which helps in maintaining the body temperature.

 Uses of Makoy: 

  • The juice of this herb is commonly used to treat fever & to alleviate pain.
  • The juice of Makoy leaves is used in treating mouth ulcers. This juice is also used to counter difficult menses.
  • Makoy also helps in relieving pain in the ears.
  • Its fruit is used as a cosmetic; as rubbing its seeds on the cheeks helps remove freckles.
  • It is a very good herbal remedy for asthma as it removes catarrhal matter & phlegm from the bronchial tubes.
  • It combats many of the stomach issues like stomach cramps, stomach ache & flatulence.
  • Makoy also plays a role in supporting the joints by helping in the treatment of rheumatic pain & gout.
  • Various skin issues like acne, psoriasis & freckles can be treated successfully with the help of Makoy.
  • A decoction prepared from the leaves n stem of Makoy helps in the treatment of dieresis.
  • It is a key ingredient in various medicines prepared to resolve various liver disorders.
  • It also helps in treating Urinary Tract Infections as it increases the secretion and discharge of urine.
  • Various mouth-related problems like gum diseases n bad breath find its solution with the help of this herb.
  • An infusion of the plant is used as an enema in infants suffering from abdominal upsets.
  • A decoction of the stalk, leaves, and roots of this herb is beneficial for wounds and cancerous sores.
  • Its berries are poisonous, which believes to get destroyed while but boiling them and make them safer to be used for preserves, jams, and pies.

 Related Product 

Makoy Capsule: It is a 100% extract-based and basically recommended for liver and kidney disorders. Makoy has many medicinal properties like it effectively reduces pain, inflammation, tenderness, acts as an analgesic, expectorant, anti-diabetic, laxative, anti-allergic, diuretic, etc.

As it is rich in anti-oxidant and helps in strengthening the liver of a person consuming it on a regular basis. The phytochemicals and anti-microbial properties of moringa make it a perfect remedy for those who deal with recurring Urinary tract infections. The oxidative quality of this plant keeps the oxygen levels high in the body and helps in the normalization of the functioning of each organ.
Buy Makoy Capsules

For more detail or advice on Makoy Herb please get in touch with Dr. Baldeep Kour at

Article Author: Dr. Baldeep Kour – Medical Director & Co-Founder of Deep Ayurveda  & Editor in Chief of Ayurveda Magazine-  AYURVEDA FOR HEALTHY LIVING one of the renowned ayurvedic doctor in Chandigarh.

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Statutory Warning: Self-medication can be very dangerous. Always use ayurvedic medicine under the strict supervision of an ayurvedic doctor.