DEEP AYURVEDA RESEARCH & TRAINING INSTITUTE - MOHALI (VENTURE OF DEEP AYURVEDIC CLINIC & PANCHKARMA CENTER TM) As you know that till date there is not any Ayurveda institute OR Clinic/Hospitals in north India to give practical training to fresher Ayurvedic Graduate OR if few expert ayurvedic doctors are there, they are not ready to give training or share knowledge with fresher doctor just because of their conservative mind, Due to this maximum ayurvedic doctors start practicing in allopathic medicine or doing job in diffident allopathic hospitals as Medical Officers and they do not get chance to work and excel in their respective field, Ayurveda. Even they do not get respective position and respect.
Ayurveda is 5000 years old Indian Medicine System, Scope of Ayurveda is increasing day by day, Now every people searches for expert Vaidya/ Ayurvedic doctor for treatment but did not find a perfect ayurvedic doctor, Maximum doctors doing allopathic practice after B.A.M.S and forget all about Ayurveda in which they have spend 5.5 years. Now time has changed because every body knows about the side effects of modern medicine. So every ones wants to have herbal cure for their problems to avoid side effects, So coming time is very bright for ayurvedic doctor.
Keeping in above facts in mind, we are very happy to inform you that, DEEP AYURVEDA recently started its Education & Training Branch to offer different training programs for fresher ayurvedic doctors.