Are you a Psoriasis patient ? Are you searching for a good psoriasis treatment? Oh!!! then there is a good news for you. Now you will not face any further complications related to Psoriasis. You have already suffered a lot in the cage of this dreadful disease ---- Psoriasis. Not only you but also your entire family has also suffered a great mental, physical and social trauma.

Where are you standing now, compared to other normal people who are not suffering from this disease? Are you wasting all your time, money and energy just thinking about this disease?
What will be your future? You must be thinking that your future is in the darkness, moving here and there for information, guidance and treatment of Psoriasis. What have you gained till now?
Western Medical Research concludes that there is no known cause for Psoriasis and hence no cure “when it comes to Psoriasis, Modern Medicine is absolutely inadequate”. Latest Modern Treatment for Psoriasis includes Immune Suppressing Drugs, Injection of Steroids etc to suppress the skin conditions. The long term use of such drugs however has their own resultant complications, In conclusion we would like to assure Psoriasis-affected persons that a Controlled, Balanced, Nutritious Diet, Stress Free Living and a well thought out Ayurvedic Panchkarma Treatments supported by Yoga and Pranayama will be the path to Freedom from Psoriasis.
Psoriasis is a Skin Disease that takes a toll on the confidence of a person. Silvery Scales or Fish Scale like Plaques on Skin characterizes it. Skin cells are easily lost. Skin will also be dry with Itching, which is so severe that in certain patients oozing of the blood is seen commonly along with Pus and Secondary Infections.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease characterized by eruptions of superficial papules and larger patches with phenomena of chronic inflammation. The Lesions usually occur at First on the Elbows, Knees Scalp and Lower Limbs and later spread all over the body.
According to Ayurveda, Psoriasis (Sidhma Kushtam) occurs due to vitiation of Vata and Kapha doshas. The reasons are Incompatible Food, Accumulation of Toxins etc. considered as the (Two of the basic energies/humors, which maintains our body equilibrium) Accumulation of low potency poisons (Dooshi vishas), are the basic pathological changes taking place in the system. Irregular food habits, consumption of foodstuffs that cannot be eaten together (Eg: dairy products with fish), excessive intake of yogurt, black gram, seafood, sour and salted items etc can activate the pathogenesis. Alcohol and tobacco consumption will act as a catalyst here. Ayurveda do emphasize on the effect of stress in the pathogenesis of Psoriasis.

Various Types of  Psoriasis:

Plaque Psoriasis – This is a very common type among all 5 and characterized by raised, reddish skin covered by silvery-white scales. These psoriatic patches covers almost all part of the body.

Guttate psoriasis
Small red spots appear on the skin

Pustular psoriasis
White pustules surrounded by red skin appears on the skin

Inverse psoriasis
Smooth, red lesions are formed in the folds of the skin.

Erythrodermic psoriasis

There is itching, pain and redness of the skin.

Other Causes of Psoriasis –
There is still uncertainty over the causes of psoriasis but various factors are believed to be
Heredity factor - Abnormality in the metabolism of amino acids and proteins
Seasonal changes
Injury to the skin
Various infections
According to Ayurveda- Imbalance of “fire” energy is the major reason for psoriasis.

Coming to the treatment aspects of Psoriasis according to Ayurveda, it aims at the detoxification of the body or elimination of toxins from the body fluids. It is achieved by "Panchakarma" treatments.
Current schedule, comprising various treatment aspects of Ayurveda is aiming at a better control of Psoriasis. This includes internal and external medications purely of plant origin. Rough out line of this schedule is as follows. (i) Consumption of medicated ghee, considering the Dosha type of the Psoriasis and the person, for 7 to 10 days. (ii) Detoxifying, by inducing vomiting (Vamana) and purgation (Virechana). This is followed by medicated buttermilk dripping overhead (Thakradhara) and pasting the entire body with a paste of medicines and mud. (iii) Vasthies (medicated enemas) are being done for 8-10 days and internal medicines like herbal powders, Herbal concoctions, Herbal vatties,  medicated ghee has to be consumed for at least 4-6 months
A strict diet regime has to be followed during the entire treatment period and it is better to continue as vegetarian. Yogurt, black gram, chillies and salted thing have to be restricted. It is better to avoid refrigerated/chilled foods. Psoriatic must keep a state of mental calmness.
At Deep Ayurveda, There are effective methods of ayurvedic panchkarma treatments for Psoriasis. The duration of the treatment may vary from person to person, depending upon the body disposition, age, condition of the disease, aging of the disease, type of disease, food habits and life style of the patient, etc. We Deep Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchkarma Center at Kharar (Mohali) near Chandigarh have Treated Hundreds  of Patients with 99% results.
For more detail on Psoriasis contact to undersign.
Dr. Baldeep Kour
Chief Medical Director & Co- Founder
Deep Ayurveda
Helpline : +91-160-5000100



According to Ayurveda, there are three primary energies, or Doshas. The Doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These Doshas regulate all physical and psychological behaviors,

News & Events

 Deep Ayurveda has added Medical Astrology services in their all clinics. As vedic sicences is a part of ayurveda....for more detail contact at reception


 Today Deep Ayurveda has started its another branch in mohali. All type of ayurvedic treatment , Panchkarma, Yoga & medictation, naturopathy and medical astrology services are  available under one roof.


Deep Ayurveda opening another ayurveda wellness & panchkarma center in mohali- Phase-5 by middle of the may 2015. We recently signed a MOU  for  joint venture as FOCO ( franchise owned company operated ) model with local enterprenure Mr Ashwani Soni who is already dealing in ayurveda since last 3 years and having super stockistship of some leading ayurvedic companies.. like Gurukul, Ramdev, Sri Sri stc..

Requires  B.A.M.S doctor with min. 2 Years experience in ayurveda practice. 
Location: Mohali & Kharar , Position - 2 Nos. Salary negotiable. Only male can apply :  Please send cv at :

 Clinical Training Program in Ayurveda- Next Batch going to start from 1st Jan. 2014. Registration open. For more info call at:- 09988555536


 Deep AyurvedicClinic organsied NADI PRAKISHA (PULSE DIAGNOSIS) CAMP at Kharar clinic from 3rd Dec. to 6th Dec. 2014. Complete health check and ayurvedic medicines given free of cost to the patients during this camp activity.


We are pleased to announce the enrollment notification for the  “ CLINICAL TRAINING PROGRAM - AYURVEDA" . It is a skill development program with a primary focus on Theoretical &  Practical Training in  Ayurvedic Clinic Management for Ayurvedic Fresher Graduates or final year students.


For more information mail at or  Head- Training & Education at +91 9988555536


Deep Ayurveda, going to open Specialized Clinic for  Hair Loss & Alopecia Treatment very soon.....

Explore and learn through clinical apperrentship and industrial training schedules in
  • Ayurvedic Herbology
  • Panchkarma Techniques
  • Ayurvedic Dietetics
  • Herbal Cosmetics

Note: Coaching for entrance examinations for admission in B.A.M.S., M.D./M.S. (Ayurveda) and B.Pharma and M.Pharm (Ayurveda) courses for enhancing professional qualifications.

For enquires please call
Deep Ayurveda
# 560, Phase-1, Sector-55, Mohali
 Chandigarh (India)
Ph: 0160-5000100
Mobile: 9216582020
Psoriasis Treatments
Effective treatment is offered to patients suffering from Psoriasis and PSO allied skin diseases at Deep Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchkarma Center, Kharar (Mohali)
There are effective methods of ayurvedic panchkarma treatments for Psoriasis. The duration of the treatment may vary from person to person, depending upon the body disposition, age, condition of the disease, aging of the disease, type of disease, food habits and life style of the patient, etc. We Deep Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchkarma Center at Kharar (Mohali) near Chandigarh have Treated Hundreds  of Patients with 99% results.
Psoriasis Treatments
Effective treatment is offered to patients suffering from Psoriasis and PSO allied skin diseases at Deep Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchkarma Center, Kharar (Mohali)
There are effective methods of ayurvedic panchkarma treatments for Psoriasis. The duration of the treatment may vary from person to person, depending upon the body disposition, age, condition of the disease, aging of the disease, type of disease, food habits and life style of the patient, etc. We Deep Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchkarma Center at Kharar (Mohali) near Chandigarh have Treated Hundreds  of Patients with 99% results.
DEEP AYURVEDIC CLINIC AND PANCHKARMA CENTER- MOHALI  offers special panchkarma health packages for corporate and IT persons to remove stress and rejuvenating the health. Panchkarma restores your constitutional harmony thereby improving healt...h and wellness.Panchkarma therapies also improves your health, boosts your energy levels and gives you a clear mind...
Visit at Center or Call at 160-5000100  for more detail.



Today DEEP HEALTH CARE Launched unique herbal remedy OBESIT for Obesity. It is a herbal formulation. It is very useful for weight loss and to loose extra fats from body. OBESIT is rich in natural anti-oxidants, vitamins and it is also useful combination of rejuvenating herbs. It can also used in conditions whrere the metabolism is sluggish such as hypothyroidism.