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According to Ayurveda, there are three primary energies, or Doshas. The Doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These Doshas regulate all physical and psychological behaviors,

News & Events

 Clinical Training Program in Ayurveda- Next Batch going to start from 1st Jan. 2014. Registration open. For more info call at:- 09988555536


 Deep AyurvedicClinic organsied NADI PRAKISHA (PULSE DIAGNOSIS) CAMP at Kharar clinic from 3rd Dec. to 6th Dec. 2014. Complete health check and ayurvedic medicines given free of cost to the patients during this camp activity.


We are pleased to announce the enrollment notification for the  “ CLINICAL TRAINING PROGRAM - AYURVEDA" . It is a skill development program with a primary focus on Theoretical &  Practical Training in  Ayurvedic Clinic Management for Ayurvedic Fresher Graduates or final year students.

DEEP AYURVEDA RESEARCH & TRAINING INSTITUTE, has designed clinical training course  (Clinical Proficiency in Ayurveda ) for Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners. 

The main objective of the clinical training for Ayurvedic doctors is to strengthen clinical skills and Ayurvedic fundamental principles. Training includes theoretical and practical training in Ayurvedic herbology, Ayurvedic Treatment, Pulse-diagnosis, Panchkarma techniques, drug formulation for clinic use.




Eligibility                   :        B.A.M.S Or Final year students can apply

Duration                    :        One Month

Timing                      :        Morning 10:am to 6:00 Pm  ( Theoretical & Practical Training )

Fee                           :        Rs. 12000/-

The objectives of the Clinical Training Program are:

*        To educate  the Ayurvedic Graduates / Dctor's  practical knowledge  of ayurveda and  skills required  to setup & run a Ayurvedic Clinic successfully .

*        To provide an in-depth training on monitoring and management of a Ayurvedic  Clinic.

*        Built up the confidence in Ayurvedic  Graduates  to  promote ayurveda  &  to excel in their  respective field.

*        To identify and answer the major challenges during ayurvedic practice by a ayurvedic consultant.

Training Program Highlights:

*        Optimal Duration: One  months regular  Training  Program by experienced Ayurveda expert & management professional.

*        Practical Exposer with  patients at our Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchkarma Center.

*        Assignments with the combination of  Clinic Management, Ayurveda treatment  Management , Sales and Marketing skills prepared by ayurveda experts &  Management professionals.

*        Comprise of high quality study material for theoretical & practical training.

*        Optimal  Training Fee.

*        Placement  / Clinic setup guidance provided to participants.


For complete profile about DEEP AYURVEDA, Please see attached PPT   or Visit  to get complete details. 


For more information mail at or contact - Mr. Vishnu Dutt Sharma- Head- Training & Education at +91 9988555536


Deep Ayurveda, going to open Specialized Clinic for  Hair Loss & Alopecia Treatment very soon.....

Explore and learn through clinical apperrentship and industrial training schedules in
  • Ayurvedic Herbology
  • Panchkarma Techniques
  • Ayurvedic Dietetics
  • Herbal Cosmetics

Note: Coaching for entrance examinations for admission in B.A.M.S., M.D./M.S. (Ayurveda) and B.Pharma and M.Pharm (Ayurveda) courses for enhancing professional qualifications.

For enquires please call
Deep Ayurveda
# 560, Phase-1, Sector-55, Mohali
 Chandigarh (India)
Ph: 0160-5000100
Mobile: 9216582020
Psoriasis Treatments
Effective treatment is offered to patients suffering from Psoriasis and PSO allied skin diseases at Deep Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchkarma Center, Kharar (Mohali)
There are effective methods of ayurvedic panchkarma treatments for Psoriasis. The duration of the treatment may vary from person to person, depending upon the body disposition, age, condition of the disease, aging of the disease, type of disease, food habits and life style of the patient, etc. We Deep Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchkarma Center at Kharar (Mohali) near Chandigarh have Treated Hundreds  of Patients with 99% results.
Psoriasis Treatments
Effective treatment is offered to patients suffering from Psoriasis and PSO allied skin diseases at Deep Ayurvedic Clinic & Panchkarma Center, Kharar (Mohali)
There are effective methods of ayurvedic panchkarma treatments for Psoriasis. The duration of the treatment may vary from person to person, depending upon the body disposition, age, condition of the disease, aging of the disease, type of disease, food habits and life style of the patient, etc. We Deep Ayurvedic Clinic and Panchkarma Center at Kharar (Mohali) near Chandigarh have Treated Hundreds  of Patients with 99% results.
DEEP AYURVEDIC CLINIC AND PANCHKARMA CENTER- MOHALI  offers special panchkarma health packages for corporate and IT persons to remove stress and rejuvenating the health. Panchkarma restores your constitutional harmony thereby improving healt...h and wellness.Panchkarma therapies also improves your health, boosts your energy levels and gives you a clear mind...
Visit at Center or Call at 160-5000100  for more detail.



Today DEEP HEALTH CARE Launched unique herbal remedy OBESIT for Obesity. It is a herbal formulation. It is very useful for weight loss and to loose extra fats from body. OBESIT is rich in natural anti-oxidants, vitamins and it is also useful combination of rejuvenating herbs. It can also used in conditions whrere the metabolism is sluggish such as hypothyroidism.