Rejuvenating Massage . . . . . . . .
Massage is the oldest of all techniques for relieving pain, regenerating tissues, and correcting almost all internal malfunctions. Massage is necessary for every creature, animal or human. A unique factor of nature is that even grass, plants and trees get massaged every time the wind blows through them. Everybody, either knowingly or unknowingly, definitely practices massage. In order to keep ones health, awareness and longevity, massage is very essential. With massage, the physical appearance of the body is enhanced to a very great extent. The complexion and quality of the skin undergoes a transformation. Massage helps to cure various ailments ranging from paralysis to insomnia. Daily massage strengthens the muscles and restores strength and vitality. Massage is very essential for being more youthful and for minimizing the effect of age.
Massage can help us to restore the body to its normal condition of health, vitality, youth, stamina and awareness. Massage benefits all parts of the human body. It aids in digestion, absorption and assimilation. It stimulates the nutrition of the body by the circulation of fresh blood and causing an interchange of fluids within the tissues. It also removes inflammation, swelling and disperses congestion.
Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Massage works on the flow of energy called prana that circulates our body in specific channels or meridians. The flow of prana can be disturbed either by external trauma such as an injury or an internal trauma such as depression or stress. This is when aches and pain start to occur and we start to experience a state of “disease”. Apart from bringing relief to minor symptoms and ailments it gradually corrects long-term imbalance also. The physical massage is also used to assess the distribution of energy throughout the body and try to correct any imbalances accordingly.
In Rejuvenating Ayurvedic Massage a therapist uses a combination of pressure and stretching techniques. It stimulates circulation and the flow of lymphatic fluid releases toxins and deep seated tensions from the muscles, stimulates the hormonal and the immune system, and acts on the nervous system allowing you to relax deeply and to get in touch with your own healing power. Stretching massage and other techniques create flexibility and balance in the body, both at a physical and an energy level.