Panchkarma Introduction
The five fold purification therapy that seeks to correct the imbalance of the body's doshas or bio-energies (Vata, Pitta, Kapha) in order to maintain their inherent equilibrium. The Panchakarma therapy of Ayurveda comprises of five types of advanced treatment for elimination of vitiated Dosha (toxic materials) from the body.
Charak's Classification:
- Vamana Karma (Emesis Therapy)
- Virechana Karma (Purification Therapy)
- Anuvasana Vasthi (Unctous enema Therapy)
- Nirooha Vasthi (Decoction Enema Therapy)
- Nasya Karma (Errhine Therapy)
Panchkarma is an Ayurveda Therapy for cleansing of body toxins, achieve balanced state of body, mind and consciousness. As the name suggests, Pancha in Sanskrit stands for Five and Karma are the therapeutic measures, therefore Panchakarma means five types of therapeutic measures. These five therapeutic measures are undertaken for the purification of the body. Ayurveda considers it necessary before the start of any other therapy. Elimination happens naturally in every living being. Human body is a complex type of machine, which has millions of functions: - majority of them are voluntarily controlled and some involuntary. Millions of cells in the body are working throughout the day to produce energy and to maintain life. In this process lots of wastes are produced at the level of cells.
We have, on board, Experienced Ayurvedic & panchkarma expert doctors and well experienced Panchkarma therapists who have been personally handpicked and work under the guidance of Dr. Baldeep Kour, B.A.M.S, one of the most renowned Ayurvedacharya in India. If you want to get an Ayurvedic consultation, you can book your appointment by one of the following ways:
Phone Call : +91-172-5099999, + 919216582022 (Timing 9:00am to 7:30pm)
Visiting At Clinic : KHARAR- MOHALI
In Ayurveda, disease is always seen as an imbalance in the dosha system. As a result, the diagnostic process strives to determine which doshas are underactive or overactive in a body. Ayurveda offers mainly three kinds of treatment - through Ayurvedic medicines, diet and lifestyle control and Panchakarma.